Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Afrin coupons


Save 59% on Afrin Drops at Walgreens

by Christie- on May 15, 2015

Afrin drops dealsWe have a nice deal this week on Afrin No Drip drops. These are on sale for $5.99 each this week, plus there’s an Afrin coupon we can use, and you’ll earn $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) for buying two. That makes them just $3.49 each after coupons and points. These are regularly priced at $8.49, so that’s about 59% off. If this is something you use this is a great time to pick some up.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/16)
Buy (2) Afrin Drops, .5oz, $5.99 Sale Price
(2) $1/1 Afrin product
Total = $9.98, Get back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) for buying two
= $3.49 EACH



Afrin Nasal Sprays Just $1.49 Each!

by Christie- on March 26, 2015

afrin3wYou can grab a great deal on Afrin Nasal Sprays this week! You’ll see that they are advertised in the ad for $5.99. However, there is also a points deal to earn $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two.

Check your Smartsource insert from this weekend for a $3 coupon. Put all this together and it will be $1.49 for each one when you buy two or a savings of 82% off the regular price. That’s a great price for these.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/28)
Buy (2) Afrin No Drip Nasal Spray, $5.99 Sale Price
(2) $3/1 Afrin Nasal Spray, exp. 3/29/15 (SS 03/22/15)
Total = $5.98, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $1.49 EACH!



Print Now for $2.49 Afrin Next Week!

by Christie- on May 17, 2014

Afrin2 (1)-6wThere is a monthly deal on Afrin Nasal Spray: buy 2 and get $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points). Next week, however, they will be on sale for $5.99, so it will be a better deal. Get ready for it by printing this coupon, $1.00 on any Afrin product (68130).

Walgreens Deals (Starting 5/18)
Buy (2) Afrin No Drip Nasal Sprays, $5.99 Sale Price
(2) $1.00 on any Afrin product (68130)
Total = $9.98, Get Back $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $2.49 EACH!



*HOT* Afrin No Drip Nasal Spray Just $1 Each!

by Christie- on November 28, 2012

It looks like the Afrin deal I previously posted about here has gotten even better! Through December 1st the No Drip Nasal Spray is on a 2/$10 sale. Combine that with the coupons below and you’ll pay just $1 per package which is a HUGE stock up price! 😀

Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Afrin No Drip Nasal Spray .5oz 2/$10
(2) $2/1 Afrin 12 Hour Nasal Spray
OR $1/1 Afrin Nasal Spray
AND use…
(1) $2/1 Coricidin Cold Relief 16 to 24 ct or Afrin No Drip Nasal Spray .5 oz (5833) Walgreens Nov Book (Will Deduct $4)


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