Walgreens Coupons & Deals



Updates From the Field 1/9

by Christie Bisbee on January 9, 2011

Here are some observations from my trip today that will hopefully make your trip a little bit easier!  I actually had a pretty good trip and things mostly went as planned.

The Reach Total Care + Whitening AND the Reach Multi-Action toothbrushes both worked fine for me and were both priced at $4.49. The Regular Reach Total Care priced at $3.99 did NOT work for me.  So you may want to keep that in mind.

The Reach Total Care + Whitening Floss AND the regular Reach Total Care Floss both worked just fine. Just watch the register and make sure the Walgreens coupon does what it is supposed to do, which is take off $2 per qualifying item.

My store had Hallmark Cards on clearance for 75% OFF! They also had some other Christmas items some at 75% and some at 50% off, so you may want to check the clearance section at your store for good deals. I’ve heard from some of you that you are finding 75% OFF clearance at your stores too!

Although there isn’t a sign in site at any of my store the Natrol Acai is still ringing up B1G1 FREE! So if you didn’t get this deal last week you should be able to grab it again this week! If you don’t have the $2/1 coupons this is still a fabulous deal as you’ll get (2) for $.99 just with the Walgreens coupon and you can use them as a filler.

2 – Natrol Acai 1000mg, 60ct $10.99 B1G1 FREE
2 – $2/1 Natrol Product, Any – 10-10-10 RP x4/30
1 – $5/1 Natrol Acai, 60ct (5551) Jan Coupon Book (Takes off $10)
Total = FREE + Overage (if your store allows)