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Enter to Win $2,250 in Free Gas from Shell!

by Christie Bisbee on September 23, 2014

Win Free Gas from ShellCould you use Free Gas for a year? Or how would you like to save every time you fill up at the pump? Now, thru November 2nd, you can go HERE to enroll in the Shell Fuel Rewards Network Program for a chance to win FREE fuel for a year (a $2,250 value!).

Save on GasPlus, 1,300+  winners will get a 60¢ per gallon reward (up to 20 gallons)! And new members will earn 25¢ per gallon as an enrollment bonus for joining.  That’s like having a coupon for 25¢ off each gallon of gas! 🙂 Just go HERE to start saving.

To qualify for the 25¢ per gallon of gas discount, you’ll just need to fill a minimum of 8 gallons on your 1st fill-up and the offer is limited to the first million redemptions. This is a great way to save on something you need to purchase anyway!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Ari September 23, 2014 at 3:08 pm

I have a question about this. Is this like a credit card or just a rewards card like the one Walgreens has?


Christie Hardcastle September 23, 2014 at 4:22 pm

I believe it’s just a rewards card so you can pay however you’d like. 🙂


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