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Grateful Giveaways Winners!

by Christie Bisbee on April 18, 2011

Thanks to everyone who entered my Grateful Giveaways: Celebrating the Class of 2011! It’s always so much fun! Remember to check the other blogs where you may have entered!  And the winners are…

iHome #1 – Jennifer P. (jenswins@)
Monet #2 – Susan S. (susansmoaks@)
Novaform #3 – Ashley (subola@)
NavJack iPad Case #4 – Kimberly (kcoud33@)
Faber-Castell #5 – Melina R. (MELINARAMIREZ1@)
Tony’s #6 – Doug (gonefishin200@)
Scout by Bungalow #7 – Cayman (nocrayonsatthezoo@)
Sinbad Sweets #8 – Alcee C. ([email protected])

Congrats again and you should all be hearing from me shortly so check your in-box! And everyone stay tuned for more giveaways shortly! 🙂

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Doug April 18, 2011 at 4:28 pm

Email sent. Thanks again!


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