Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Finish Coupon Winners!

by Christie Bisbee on January 6, 2011

Thanks to the generosity of  2 fabulous readers (Lunise & Cathy!) I can give away (3) sets of the Finish coupons instead of (2)! Congrats to the following winners…

Stacey (staceyiovino@), Katie (kmd1982@), Aneesha (aneeshafranklin@)

Please respond within 48 hours or I will have to pick other winners and I want you to enjoy your prize.  Remember you can still enter my iTunes Gift Card Giveaway HERE!

(Thanks again Lunise & Cathy! :-))

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Kelly January 7, 2011 at 12:57 pm

I was skeptical of these offers at first – but did the Self Magazine offer for $3.99 a few months ago and just received my first issue! What a steal – a year subscription for the cost of one issue!

In fact – all of the magazine offers I have filled out have worked out.

I put a pic up of the mage I received here: http://livingonthecheap.blogspot.com/2010/12/freebies-arrived.html

Thanks for posting!


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