When I saw that our friends at FlavoRX had a NEW Yo Gabba Gabba! Medicine Time Flavor Spray I had to check it out. If you have a little one who doesn’t like taking medicine (and really who does?) this one’s for you.
Yo Gabba Gabba! Medicine-Time Flavor Spray comes in Dazzle Berry Flavor and just a couple of sprays before and after taking medication is all you need to take medicine time from yuck to yum! And your kids will love that it’s Brobee and Foofa approved. 😉
Most importantly, it’s sugar, dye and gluten free and non-allergenic. Each bottle has over 200 sprays so it’ll last you a good while. And, I’ll admit it, I tried it and it’s downright yummy, it tastes like candy. You can purchase Yo Gabba Gabba! Medicine-Time Flavor Spray at Amazon HERE.
Thanks to the fabulous people over at FlavoRX (3) lucky Wild for Wags readers will each win a bottle of Yo Gabba Gabba! Medicine Time Flavor Spray!
You have (3) ways to enter.
1) Leave a comment on this post.
2) Become a Fan on Facebook HERE or use my nifty Facebook Widget in my sidebar.
3) Follow me on twitter HERE.
This Giveaway will run until Thursday Sept. 2nd, and winners will be chosen using Random.org. Remember to post by clicking on the word “comments” just under the title of this post. Good Luck!

{ 59 comments… read them below or add one }
My DD loves flavor shots in her medicine. We’d love to try this one out!
My niece loves yo gabba gabba!
Facebook Fan! Love your website too!
I would love to try this! I always have to pay the extra $2.99 to get my daughter’s medicine flavored!!
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Thought yo gabba gabba was a little weird at first but my daughter likes dancing to the songs! This spray looks great!!
facebook fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter loves Yo Gabba Gabba.
I am a fan on FB
Thanks! I would love to win one!
I would like for my grandchildren to try this, Thanks!
my boys are crazy about yo gabba gabba! this is super cute!
[email protected]
i follow you on facebook!
[email protected]
love yo-gabba gabba!
I’d love to try it!
Oh this would help out so much for us, my little guy has to take meds everyday & that’s a job all by itself
Thanks so much!
I’m a facebook fan. 🙂
Yes, I got one that doesn’t like to take medicine – well actually two! Would love to try this. Thanks!
Would love to try this!!!
I follow you on facebook!
I would love to try this for my little boy. He ends up crying so much when we try to get medicine down that he throws up.
I’m a facebook fan.
This would be perfect for my 2 year old that has to take iron daily for a deficiency! That stuff is so bitter! I follow you on facebook as well.
Wow, I’d love to try this for my kids. Thanks for the giveaway!
My son would love this and it is a constant struggle to get him to take his medicine. He loves anything Yo Gabba Gabba and has since he was nine months old. Great giveaway!!
I have an extremely picky 5 yr old and I would love to try this out!!!
This would help convince my kids that they could have a party in their tummy 🙂
Yabba gabba goo!
I followyou on facebook, I so need this my son throw up after taking medicine since he hates the taste so much
oooo my son loves yo gabba gabba he will def. love this stuff! but he is a weird kid also and loves medicine! he wants it cause he thinks it candy!! Yeah i got the weird one!!
Wow, I hope I win this, my twins love yo gabba gabba and this will really help with medicine time 🙂
I follow you in twitter
I would love to give this a try, my niece loves yo gabba gabba! thanks.
I’m a facebook fan!
My son loves Yo Gabba Gabba and hates to take his medicine….this is a double win
This could be a good thing.
My grand daughter HATES the taste of ALL MEDS..
I love Yo Gabba Gabba!
LIKE on Facebook.
following on twitter
we love yo gabba gabba at our house!
Thanks for the giveaway!
never tried it but is willing to try anything to get my kids to take meds better!
i’ve never heard of this stuff… but it sounds amazing! would love to win : )
Sounds awesome, my kids hate taking medicine.
Love Yo Gabba Gabba! My favorite episode was with Jack Black!
My twins adore Yo Gabba Gabba!
Oh, you should see the fights I have with my 3 year old when it comes to medicine time. I can have the stuff half way down her throat and she can still spit it out!!! LOL thanks.
We would love to try this out!
I’m a Facebook fan.
I’m follow you on twitter.
who wouldn’t want a child to take meds w/o complaining?! would love to have some on hand!
this would be awesome as my son doesn’t like the taste of a few medicines.
now I’ve got the Yo Gabba Gabba theme song stuck in my head!
Love Your site…
My daughter has just started to take liquid claritin for her allergies(daily, ugh). I tasted it and totally understand why her face got all squishy and she shook her head and would not open her mouth. We would love to try this!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Facebook Fan!!
Would love to try this for my little ones allergy meds!