Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Biore, Jergens, Curel Monthly Deal!

by Christie Bisbee on December 31, 2010

Here is yet another Monthly Register Reward deal for you! This one is on Jergens, Biore and Curel. My stock of Biore is about to run out so this was perfect timing for me.  You can always find all the Monthly Deals HERE or by looking at the tool bar under “Register Reward Deals” and looking for “Monthly Deals”.

Get $5 in Register Rewards WYB (2) Jergens Moisturizers (exc Natural Glow), Biore Face Products or Curel Moisturizers

Here are some coupons you can use for this deal.  I suggest you print the printable ones before they are all gone!
$2/1 Biore (Sign Up & Save) (ETS) PRINT
-$2/1 Curel (Sign Up & Save) 7.5oz Sensitive Skin remedy PRINT
-$1/1 Curel (Must Take Quiz)
-$2/1 Biore Cleanser product, any – 10-10-10 SS x1/31
-$1/1 Biore Pore Strip product (ETS), any – 10-10-10 SS x1/31
-$2/1 ; $1/1 Curel moisturizer, 3.5 oz or larger (ets) – 12-05-10 SS x1/22
-$3/2 Jergens Moisturizer, any (4oz+) – 12-05-10 SS x1/15
-$1/1 Jergens Moisturizer, Booklet found in Wags Display

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

jocelyn January 1, 2011 at 4:36 pm

Sorry, I do not see the sign up and save for Curel. I did see the Biore sign up and save. I wonder what zip code that you used? Thanks!


Christie January 1, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Jocelyn – It’s possible that it’s gone. Today is the 1st of the month so many coupons reset and many disappear. I would have been at 20910.


Jocelyn January 2, 2011 at 12:15 pm

Thanks for the reply. You are right. They are all gone.


Maria January 10, 2011 at 8:31 pm

Do I need to but 2 of the same brand? Or I can get 1 biore and 1 curel and still get the RR? Thanks! 🙂


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