Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Money Making Chex Mix!

by Christie Bisbee on December 26, 2010

There is a NEW monthly Register Reward deal starting Monday 12/27 and running until 1/23 for Chex Mix! Chex Mix is on sale this week for $.99 each so that means better than FREE Chex Mix! The Register Reward deal is for…

Buy 3 and get $1.50 RR
Buy 4 and get $2.50 RR
Buy 5 or more and get $3.50 RR

So you can do the following transaction to get 5 FREE Chex Mix & Make $1.05…

5 – Chex Mix, 8.75oz $.99 each
Total = $4.95
2 -$1/2 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack, 4.5 Oz. +, any – 12-05-10 GM x1/29
1 -$.50/1 Chex Mix PRINT
(all gone)
Total = $2.45, Get Back $3.50 RR
= $1.05 Money Maker!!!!

If your inserts only brought the $.50/2 you’d still have FREE Chex Mix using (2) and the $.50/1 printable! There is also a $.50/2 Chex Mix HERE.


(Thanks to fabulous reader frugalbengal!)

{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }

Liz B December 26, 2010 at 1:24 am

Awesome deal! Wish those of us in Portland, OR area or the other test markets could get it. Just looked at our ad, and the only deal for us is, “Buy 3, Get 100 Bonus Points”. No Register Rewards for us. With the sale price and coupons, it’s still a good deal though – so I’m happy! 🙂


Jennifer B. December 26, 2010 at 2:30 am

What is this whole test market thing about? I keep reading about people scanning a card and bonus points. Can anyone fill me in!


Christie December 26, 2010 at 2:32 am

Jennifer – There are some areas in the country where Walgreens is testing out a reward card program. The downside is they don’t get many of the Register Reward deals in the other areas instead they earn “points” they can redeem for gift cards and other things.


Lois December 26, 2010 at 2:21 pm

How do you know which area’s will have the monthly RR? I live in Utah. I can’t find it in the ad. Can you help?


Christie December 26, 2010 at 2:32 pm

Lois – It’s not in the ad. Are you in a test market? If you are not then it should be in your area too. If you are in a test market then we’ll have to wait if someone in your area also gets the Catalina advertisement for this deal. (The ads have been printing at the register).


Lois December 26, 2010 at 2:49 pm

I’m not in the test market. That I know that much for sure. I guess I’ll just give it a try tomorrow and see. You’re awesome for answering so quickly! Thanks so much Christy. 🙂


Kim December 26, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Is anyone able to print the $.50 Chex coupon? It tells me I have already printed it, and I haven’t.


Greg December 26, 2010 at 7:05 pm

I’m in a test market (Kansas City) and I do not like this point system at all. I woud much rather get register rewards than have to figure out how many points I will get for a purchase. I’ve started doing more shopping at CVS strictly because of this point system. I know this post has nothing to do with Chex Mix but I felt like venting. lol


Brittany December 26, 2010 at 7:41 pm

I don’t see how it’d be free with the $0.50/2 coupons.

buying 3
$0.99×3=$2.97-0.50= $2.47 total, receive $1.50 RR

buying 4
$0.99×4=$3.96-1.00= $2.96 total, receive $2.50 RR

buying 5
$0.99×5=$4.95-1.00=$3.95 total, receive $3.50 RR


Christie December 26, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Brittany – Buy (5) $4.95 – 2 of the $.50 coupons = $3.95 – $.50/1 Printable = $3.49, Get Back $3.50 = FREE

Greg – It’s ok, you are allowed to vent. 🙂


Sarah December 26, 2010 at 11:47 pm

Yeah Kim, that printable is dead. Tried it last night from a brand new CPU and it said I already printed 🙁 Hope another one comes out this week so we can get it free!


Christie December 27, 2010 at 12:21 am

GRRRR – Why is it when you don’t need a Chex printable there are like 10 of them out there? I bet there’s a good chance though that we’ll get one come 1/1 when all the new coupons come out. It’s a very popular football snack and Jan will be all about football and the playoffs. (Fingers Crossed!)


Maria December 27, 2010 at 1:05 am

Greg, am in KC as well and I don’t like the point system either because it counts only the OOP dollars. So if you coupon like us and use RR’s, then it takes a long time to accumulate points. I just focus on MM RR’s or nothing at all. Although this past Thanksgiving and Christmas has been really good for the RR’s and SJC’s. They get you hooked like that then you’re stuck with having to spend all those RR’s you got on stuff that doesn’t generate RR’s. Oh well, that’s life. Having fun though!! Aren’t we all?


Maria O. December 27, 2010 at 1:07 am

The General Mills ad from Nov. 14 have 2, one 0.50/1 & 50/2 x-1-8-11.


Sean December 27, 2010 at 4:58 am

There is a $.50 off Chocolate Chex Mix in the 11/14 GM. They are included according to the register tape ad. I’m doing this.

Buy 5 Chocolate Chex @ $.99

Total $4.95
Minus $2.50
Equals $2.45

Get back $3.50 RR a $1.05 profit.


Nancy December 27, 2010 at 10:12 am

Is there a sign in the store for this RR?


Maria December 27, 2010 at 11:00 am

Greg in KC, I just bought some stuff today and out popped a catalina advertising the RR deal for chex. So I think you should be okay to do it. I’ll try it this week and see what happens.


donna December 27, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Did this deal today and it printed out no problem.


Bridie Sellers December 27, 2010 at 6:34 pm

This worked great for me! (Des Moines, IA) – as an added bonus a $1 Colgate Total Walgreens coupon printed out as well – the Chex Mix was the only product in my transaction. http://www.iheartveggies.net/2010/12/walgreens-week-122610-free-chex-mix.html


LISA W. December 28, 2010 at 12:01 am

Donna, are you in a test market area? Thanks for sharing.


christina December 28, 2010 at 11:18 am

has anyone ever used expired RR? I have some & I know @ CVS they’ve taken expired ECB but Walgreens isn’t usually as nice & I hate to throw away $16 in RR 🙁


Maria December 28, 2010 at 1:04 pm

Lisa W, I am in the test market (KC) and did this deal last night. It worked great. I bought 5 Chex Mix and used 5 .50 cent of coupons. And got a 3.50 RR


M Cash December 28, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Christina, my experience with expired RR and ECB was just the opposite. Walgreen’s let me use $7.00 worth of expired RR, but CVS wouldn’t let me use an expired ECB for only 50 cents!


Brenda December 28, 2010 at 7:32 pm

I am in the test market (Portland) and did this deal today. I just assumed we wouldn’t get the RR, but then I got an catalina advertisement yesterday. I sure hope that they continue with the ad’s that print out after your purchase. It makes it much easier to know which RR sales work in our area!


Hilda December 29, 2010 at 10:06 pm

Just went to Wags today….I live in Sandy, OR and the RR printed when I bought 5bags of Chex Mix. 😀 YAY!


Kathy December 30, 2010 at 11:43 pm

I tried this today. Couldn’t figure out how they are .99. I looked through the entire ad. Made a trip but couldn’t figure out how to make them .99

Can someone please explain this. Usually one of the brighter crayon’s in the box, but not this time.

They are ringing up at 1.49 at my store. How do they get to .99? Is this through the monthly coupon book? In ad coupon–can’t find one.


M December 31, 2010 at 2:34 pm

I bought:
2 Pantene shampoo 12.6 oz at $3.50 each
5 Chex mix 8.75 oz at $.99 each

1 $3/2 Pantene products manufacture coupon
1 $.50/1 Chex mix manufacture coupon
2 $.50/2 Chex mix manufacture coupon

Tried to use:
1 $4 RR
1 $1.5 RR
1 $1 RR

but the register said I had more coupons than items. I was told that the (2) $.50/2 coupons were counting as 4 coupons and the (1) $3/2 as 2. Is this correct?


Christie December 31, 2010 at 5:37 pm

Yes – if the coupon is for (2) items most often it will attach to (2) products. You just needed some more cheap fillers in there to use the RR.


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