Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Neutrogena Facial Soap IS Dead?

by Christie Bisbee on June 18, 2010

UPDATE to my Update- The soap worked on Saturday, I can’t explain it but I’ll try to get the scoop tomorrow. Maybe they got some negative response and changed their minds? I hope so, we’ll see what happens on Sunday!

UPDATE – I went to my store and apparently all stores were contacted and told that the lower price Neutrogena items would no longer qualify for the $10 RR.  We know that means the soap is no longer working and most likely the lip balm will no longer work. You all have been having mixed results with the lip balm today. Just keep posting your results because they really help everyone!

Based on the number of e-mails I’ve received I suspect this deal may be DEAD! I suggest if you buy the soaps you be prepared for a quick return if the RR doesn’t print, or you look for a sign in your store advertising that the soaps qualify for the deal.

Many of you have signs up at your store for this deal, so clearly this was meant to be included. I for one, would find it extremely disappointing that they would put up signs and advertise this deal in stores and then change their mind half way through. If you find anything different let us know!!!!

{ 51 comments… read them below or add one }

Kristin S June 18, 2010 at 2:26 pm

What a bummer. I was going to do it one more time today at lunch today. 🙁 Yes, it is very disappointing that they would do this. Not sure if I should even try it now.


Kim June 18, 2010 at 2:31 pm

Aargh. I never even got to do the deal since someone (or twenty someones) cleaned out the store on the first day. Our store restocks today, so I was hoping to get in there to do it. 🙁


Megan June 18, 2010 at 2:35 pm

I did it yesterday and it did work, however…. the total sale amount needs to be more than $10. for the RR to print. So, if the only thing you go in to buy is 3 soaps, it won’t work.


Christie June 18, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Megan – The deal is buy (3) Neutrogena items and get a $10 RR. This particular deal does not need to meet a particular amount threshold for it to work.


Holly June 18, 2010 at 3:01 pm

I managed to do it 3 times at 3 different stores…now I wish I could return all that soap. I don’t need it and have not found a soul that wants it, so I guess the homeless shelter will have clean and clear skin very soon! At least they will take anything I have to donate, the church that I used to donate at actually told me that they would prefer that I give lesser valued soaps! Seriously the woman said that it was great that I was giving expensive body wash but that I really should dontate soaps from the dollar store. All I could do was stand there an blink, I was at a total loss for words….I was GIVING in an economy where most people can’t (in fact we can’t afford to give to charity and I only can do it when the item was a money maker for me) and she was saying give something cheaper please. What?!?! lol So now I give to the homeless shelter and they love to see me coming! My city will have the best smelling bums in the country!


MelissaK June 18, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Hey Holly – you could also check to see if you have a local shelter for abused women – I bet they would seriously appreciate some nice soap!

I haven’t tried this soap deal yet – but my DH ordered more of it for his store because it flew off the shelf.


Suzette June 18, 2010 at 3:49 pm

I have a few bars of this soap too, but won’t use it becacuse I think of it like using the same kitchen sponge over and over. I know it isn’t quite the same, but it grosses me out. I guess I could use each bar once and throw it away 🙂 But, the women’s shelter would probably appreciate it much more!


Ash June 18, 2010 at 4:14 pm

Yes, I would say the deal is dead. When I checked out the morning I did 2 separate Neutrogena deals. Neither one printed for me, but since the signs were still up for the RR, the cashier went ahead and gave be $10 back in cash each time! This is in Frederick, Colorado.


Ira - Corpus Christi June 18, 2010 at 4:31 pm

I reported this situation to WAGS Corp and they will repsond back with an answer within 2 business days. The RR is/was scheduled to run through 06-26-10 and has been cut short, either because it was pulled or because of a system error (Probably the first. Yhis is definately a wait and see matter. I will let Christie know if I get a response.


Yami June 18, 2010 at 4:34 pm

I did it yesterday in Miami and it works, i didn’t have coupons but had the $6 RR from the Nivea men body wash and paid about $1..and got the $10 RR yuhuuuuu!!


adam June 18, 2010 at 4:36 pm

I did it about 3 times yesterday as well…worked fine then hopefully tonight too


Edie June 18, 2010 at 4:46 pm

Do you know if the other items, lip balms, sunscreen, etc. still work for this deal?


Christie June 18, 2010 at 5:08 pm

I’m sure the sunscreen is fine. I have someone who is out trying the lip balm right now so I’ll let you know how that goes. That’s the other one I am concerned about. Everything worked fine yesterday, it’s right now that I’m concerned about. So if you buy any of these today, let me know how it goes!


Maria June 18, 2010 at 6:32 pm

Tried the lip balm today and it still works. The facial soap didn’t work though… 🙁 I hope the soap RR thing is just an error, if not, I’m thinking of returning those…


huskerfan June 18, 2010 at 6:37 pm

Dangit! I’m so frustrated, have had a sick kid, so haven’t been back, really wanted to use bars or lip balm as filler to get the expensive sunblock and lotions! And now its probably too late! Ugh, I’m starting to be glad I’ve been keeping the ads like christie has, like the ones that advertise coupons in Sunday papers for free after rr items!!!!

(Sorry if sloppy writing, hard to edit, I’m on my phone, neighbor’s tree hit by lightning today, no cable, internet or tv!!! Hoping to get it back soon, I really need to print coupons! That is of course if they still take them, since that seems to be a recent theme too….)


lisa i June 18, 2010 at 6:52 pm

I just went to a walgreens ive never shopped at before and was so excited because they had the almost impossible to get soaps!! the RRs did not print for me.. i waited about 20 minutes while the manager tried to figure it out.. he couldnt and didnt do anything about it. frustrating. this is my first week of doing RR walgreen shopping.. BOO.


maria June 18, 2010 at 7:16 pm

Hi guys! I did this deal a couple of times last night and they worked absolutely fine. I went to another Walgreens this afternoon did the same transaction and the 10RR did not print. Luckily the signs were still up and after about 10 minutes talking and waiting for the manager, they handed me a $10 RR. I think they tried several different neutrogena items until they came up with a combo that gave the RR. So, if you’re planning on doing this today, make sure the signs are up still. If they are not, then you are out of luck.


Barbara June 18, 2010 at 7:51 pm

Unfortunately I checked in here to late. I did this tonight and of course it didn’t print. The manager gave me a form to send to Walgreens with the RR Deal on it, told me to mail it along with name, address and receipt and that they would send me my RR.

The bottom of the form, says something about this store not having a coupon machine, which of course it does.

We’ll see what happens.


katie June 18, 2010 at 7:53 pm

I JUST did it w/2 soaps and an acne wash, and the RR’s did NOT print, however, the manager said she wasn’t sure why, so she just gave me $10 cash!


Lena June 18, 2010 at 8:28 pm

I tried to purchase 2 moisturizers and a soap tonight and it didn’t print, so the soap definitely isn’t included in Oklahoma 🙁


Holly B June 18, 2010 at 9:06 pm

I talked to the manager at my local store. He said the deal was pulled by Nutrogena and nothing under priced under $5 is going to be included in the RR deal. The signs for the soap bars have been taken down too. As I read through the comments it made me a little angry to see all the people who rushed the stores and cleaned them out on this especially when they didn’t even want the soap. I actually like this product and use it twice a day, but could only get three bars because all the stores near me were out 🙁


Cynthia June 18, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Apparently even though with the offer you don’t have to meet a threshold for it to work (I bought just the soap all month for a MM), now your TOTAL TRANSACTION has to be over $10. So if you buy the 3 soaps, even if you use Qs, as long as you buy other stuff that gets you over $10 before tax, it prints. This in AZ.


Donna E June 18, 2010 at 9:39 pm

I am in AZ and headed out to a store that supposedly restocked today. I will let you know if a $10 transaction and get them to print.


Tiffany O'Sheal June 18, 2010 at 10:06 pm

I tried with the soaps today and I was so excited because I finally found the fragrance free soap and to no avail…it didn’t work.. The manager tried 3 times for me, but in the end we just voided the transactions…boo!


adri June 18, 2010 at 10:08 pm

dead in West Texas 🙁


Kristin S June 18, 2010 at 10:10 pm

@ Cynthia, so IF you buy 3 soaps AND a razor OR body wash, and your total comes to over $10, the RR will print??! OR does your Neutrogena TOTAL have to be OVER $10?!? Because I have no problem buying the soap and a razor which would definitely get me over the $10!! LOL 🙂


Shiann Hancock June 18, 2010 at 10:55 pm

THIS DEAL IS DEAD!! I am SUPER bummed. I ordered coupons off of eBay and they came today, I went to the store and they were stocked full of soap. I did my first transaction with three soaps, it DID NOT print. The manager couldn’t get it to work so he gave me ten dollars cash, then we tried it with a sunscreen and two bars of the facial soap, again it didn’t work so he returned the two bars of soap for me!! I had used coupons to get them so I gained some cash back – I guess that is alright!! I AM SUPER BUMMED though!! Please let us know if the transaction just has to be over ten dollars – I can buy lots of stuff to get my total up if it will print my $10 RR! Thanks for the updates, I hope we can work something out!


adam June 18, 2010 at 11:05 pm

yep 100% dead tried tonight …however if the store has a sign on the soap that says buy 3 get $10 a manager should get it for you….they gave me a $10.53 gift card.


karen June 18, 2010 at 11:07 pm

I just did 2 of the lip balm deals, right before store closing at 10PM and they printed the 10.00 at 2 different stores. The first store had the soaps and didn’t print, but luckily the sign was right there and the manager gave me a 10.00 gift card. Didn’t see any of the new hand cream anywhere so couldn’t give that a try, but it was a decent shopping trip!


Kathryn June 18, 2010 at 11:20 pm

I have been trying for 2 weeks to do this deal and have NEVER been able to find the soap or lip balm at the two Wags near me (even on the days they restock). Very frustrating!! I finally gave up….no use wasting gas trying to chase down a deal!


Karen June 18, 2010 at 11:38 pm

I had the same experience today as a lot above, finally found the soaps, no RR but they gave me a gift card and took down the sign. Interesting the lip balm was $2.99 at one store, $3.99 at the next!


Jenna June 18, 2010 at 11:52 pm

I JUST did the Lip Moisturizer at my store 15 minutes before closing. I used the $1 Suncare MQ (only had 2 MQ and used $4 RR from Halmark and paid $3.19 oop) and my $10 RR printed!! It was funny I told the cashier what was up and that it may not print, then we both ended up being happy it did 🙂 Yay!! Thanks for the heads up!! Glad it’s still working for now 🙂 (Lou, KY)


Edie June 18, 2010 at 11:54 pm

Can anyone confirm if the lip balm is printing the RR or is the deal dead like the soaps? Also is it that the total needs to be above $10 to print? Since 3 lip balms is still less than $10..


Jenna June 18, 2010 at 11:55 pm

Oh and I always check their stock online before I go to the store to make sure they have what I need before I go- no sense in wasting gas to find out they are out of what I wanted! I highly recommend doing that! Go to walgreens.com and search for what you want, then click “find in store”- enter your zip and voila!! It will show you who has it and who doesn’t. Saved me a couple trips today already by showing me stores that had the Nivea Body Wash and Neutrogena soaps I wanted to get! HTH!! 🙂


Cheryl June 19, 2010 at 12:31 am

My store was fully stocked on lip balm. I did 4 transactions with them. They had at least 12 left after I was done. I already read about the soaps not working this morning.


Regina June 19, 2010 at 12:47 am

DEAL IS DEAD. It has nothing to do with the $10 or more for the transaction. Tried two soaps and an expensive toner totaling 12.39 and the RR did not print. Manager and cashier were useless and did not offer gift card or cash.


Kristin S June 19, 2010 at 1:02 am

What is sad is that the ORIGINAL deal was, buy 3 items, get $10RR, NOT spend $10, get $10 RR. WAGS really should be honoring the original deal.


Julie June 19, 2010 at 1:47 am

Pensacola Fl, Mobile hwy store … got 3 bars didnt print however got the manager and he tried another higher priced item and it worked and he gave me the rr … only after i had to tell him to do that about 5 times…. sometimes they hire just the brightest crayons lol


Donna E June 19, 2010 at 2:48 am

Yes, soap is dead here in Phoenix too. At the suggestion of another blogger, I tried to purchase $10 in products to make RR print. NOPE!

The lip balm still printed though.


Erica H. June 19, 2010 at 3:03 am

All Wags weekly ad states “items advertised with Register Rewards or rebates are subject to conditions and limits established by the mfr.” Dead here in SoCal too…


susan June 19, 2010 at 4:14 am

I have been trying to find the soap since this deal began and could not find any! The shelves were always empty. I’m now bummed that the $10 RR is no longer working…I Neutrogena soap 2x/day!


Holly B June 19, 2010 at 10:28 am

To Susan’s (#40) point the manager I talked to said the mfg pulled the deal NOT Walgreens. He said the memo they got said the lower priced items were included in error.


Terry June 19, 2010 at 10:59 am

Kingsport Tennessee
Walgreens at Stone Drive and Fairview
No RR with soap or lip balm.
Tried this on 6-18-10.


Donna E June 19, 2010 at 11:27 am

I did the lip balm last night (10:45pm) and got RR.

@Terri, did you do the Lip Balm with the soap? Maybe that is why.


karen June 19, 2010 at 12:26 pm

I did several of the lip balms last night right up until store closing—the prices varied from 2.09-2.24-2.99—but the RR printed every time except the time I accidently used a previous 10.00 Neutrogena RR to pay!!OOPS—they refunded and we did it again using the Hallmark RR and it worked fine! I haven’t been anywhere today though.


Juana June 19, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Just did the soap deal in SW Fl and it worked. Signage is up, so that’s why i figured I would try it.


Donna E June 19, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Huh? Soap worked? I had to “explain things” to two different managers to get them to honor the RR last night on the soaps, because they didn’t print and today they did?


Christie June 19, 2010 at 3:32 pm

I wonder if it’s turned off automatically everywhere or if each individual store has to do something? That might explain it.


Rebecca June 19, 2010 at 5:07 pm

I went and was so excited to finally get the soap deal that has been sold out all month, to find the store had put up a sign that said for some reason all of there neutrogena RRs were not printing. They gave me a paper to mail in that said they did not have a machine in that store and it would take 6-8 weeks to process?? They have a cat machine?


Tracy June 19, 2010 at 9:34 pm

If your store is sold out of an item you want – Just order it! 🙂
I always go into our local Walgreens with a list and whatever I wanted on that list that is out of stock they are happy to order. They will even ring me up at the cosmetic counter doing the transactions individually so I get my RR. Just remember that it sometimes takes 2-3 weeks for the product to come in.


LeenyLou K June 27, 2010 at 9:41 am

I’m happy I didn’t read this sooner because I would have been anxious about buying the soap again, but it worked for me yesterday. But alas, now it’s the 27th and no more deal 🙁


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