Walgreens Coupons & Deals

We Love our Register Rewards!

by Christie Bisbee on May 24, 2010

Ok everyone, I have a job for you! Walgreens has asked people on their Facebook page to let them know why you like to shop at Walgreens.  You can go to Walgreens Facebook page HERE and let them know you LOVE your register rewards!

We know that they are testing these “loyalty cards” in other markets. I would hate to see Register Rewards go, so let’s make sure they know we LOVE our register rewards. 🙂

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Rachel May 25, 2010 at 8:38 am

Yesterday I went to do my RRs, and one of the cashiers who I talk to all the time when I’m in Wags noticed I had two Goody products in my cart. She asked if I planned on doing two transactions, as I normally do.

When I said yes, she told me the store has a new policy where only one RR can be given out in a day. At first she told me I’d have to choose between the Complete RR or the Goody one, as those were the only products in my cart. I went right to the (new) manager told him they could not limit me RRs, especially on different products!! He stumbled a bit and said he’d let me have my RRs for both the Goody and the Complete, but that I wouldnt be able to do a second transaction for the same products. he aslo said that in the future only one RR can be given out daily.

What are your thoughts on limiting RR products to one a day?? This seems fishy to me, as I ALWAYS do two different transactions and always go to the end of the line, if there is one!!


Christie May 25, 2010 at 10:00 am

If they wanted to limit you to one FREE Goody a day because there store has lots of demand, fine. But one RR per day period is ridiculous. I’d call corporate and complain. All the RR items aren’t great deals. What if you wanted to buy Tide or the acid reducer made by Wags? That’s not cheap but it has a RR reward on it. That is certainly worth a call!


Leanna May 25, 2010 at 12:56 pm

My walgreen’s has always only allowed one transaction to be made….so, I end up making SEVERAL trips on Sunday and Thursday when the store is stocked. I think it is ridiculous, and would really be upset if they limited the RR’s per day. Yikes! I would not be able to shop there anymore.


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