Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Soda Coupon = 2 Liters Just 49¢

by Christie Bisbee on September 8, 2016

7up-couponsIf you are a soda drinker, check out this new 7UP, Canada Dry, A&W, Sun Drop, Sunkist or Squirt coupon available to print today. This one is good on any variety including diet and TEN and it’s good for both 2 liter bottles and 6pk cans. As you know, soda coupons have very limited prints, so grab this one quickly if you are interested. Plus the two liters of 7Up, A&W, Sunkist and Canada Dry are on sale this week for $1, so only 49¢ each after the coupon!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 9/10)
Buy (2) 7Up, A&W, Sunkist or Canada Dry 2 liters $1 sale price
$1.00 on (2) 6-pack 7.5oz. cans or 2-liter bottles of 7UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Squirt, Sun Drop, or Sunkist Soda
Get Back 20 EveryDay Points
= Just 49¢ Each!

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