Walgreens Coupons & Deals

$4 Playtex Coupon Reset + Walgreens Black Friday Deal

by Christie Bisbee on November 10, 2015

Playtex CouponsGreat News! The high value $4.00 Playtex Coupon reset! So even if you already printed it, you can print it again. Not only is that a really nice high value coupon, it prints with a January Expiration date, so you know we’ll have many opportunities to use it!

One chance will be on Black Friday weekend (starting on Thanksgiving Day 11/26). These will be on sale for 2/$15, and you’ll get $3 in points when you buy (2). So, after coupons and points you’ll pay only $1.93 each. If you haven’t seen the Walgreens Black Friday ad, you can check it out HERE.

Walgreens Deals (11/26 – 11/28)
Buy (2) Playtex Sport Pads 36ct or Combo Packs 2/$15
(2) $4/1 any (1) Playtex Sport Pads 36 ct or Pads, Liners Combo Packs 32-48 ct (64506)
Total = $7, Get $3 (3,000 Balance Rewards Points)
+ 150 Everyday Points
= Just $1.93 Each!

Coupon Printing Tip: If you don’t see this coupon right away, change your zip to 64506 and then click back HERE to find it fast.

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