Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Coupons: Sargento, Malt-O Meal & More

by Christie Bisbee on November 17, 2014

75¢ On ONE Bag of Malt-O-Meal Cereal over 18 oz. (90210)
$1.50 On TWO Malt-O-Meal Bag Cereals over 18 oz. (68130)
55¢ when you buy One (1) Sargento Natural Cheese Slices (68130)
75 cents any one La Brea Bakery Food (68130)
$2.00 on any South Beach Diet Snack Bars, Protein Fit Bars or Meal Bars (68130)
$1.00 on any two (2) Lindsay Olives (68130)
$1.00 OFF Original, Neufchâtel (1/3 Less Fat), Whipped or Soft Challenge Cream Cheese (77477)
$1.50 Off any two (2) bags or boxes of Crunchmaster Crackers or Chips (68130)

Buy any Glade Wax Melts Warmer, get any Wax Melts refill FREE
$1.00 on any Glade Premium Room Spray (excludes 8oz.) (68130)
$2.00 on any THREE Glade products (excludes solids & 8 oz aero) (68130)
$1.25 on any Glade Plugins Scented Oil twin refill or two Single refills
$1.25 on any TWO Glade Jar Candles (68130)
Buy any Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refill 2 pack, get Warmer FREE
$1.00 on any two Ziploc brand bags (68130)
$1.50 on any Glade Automatic Spray Refill or TWO Sense & Spray refills
$1.00 on any Glade product (excludes solids & 8 oz aero) (68130)
$1.25 on any TWO Glade Wax Melts (excludes warmer) (68130)
$1.00 on any two Ziploc brand containers (68130)
$2.00 on any Glade Automatic Spray starter kit (68130)
$1.00 OFF ONE (1) 75oz, 96oz or 120oz Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener (44714)
$1.00 on any ONE (1) OxiClean White Revive Laundry Stain Remover (44714)

$2.00 Save $2.00 on any one (1) Softcup 12-hour period protection product. (68130)
$1.00 On any two (2) Softlips Cubes (Available at Walmart) (68130)
$5.00 on ANY two (2) Schick Disposable Razor Pack (68130)
$2.00 on ANY one (1) Schick Disposable Razor Pack (68130)

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