Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*RESET* Starbucks Coffee Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on September 4, 2014

Starbucks CouponsGreat news! The Starbucks coupons reset. We have coupons for both K-cups and Via Instant beverages. So even if you printed these before, you should be able to print them again.

Fan of the Via Instant beverages? Next week the Via refreshers will be on sale for $5.99, so just $4.49 after the coupon.

Savings Tip: If you happen to have a Winn Dixie in your area, they are having their $5 K-cup sale. Just buy any (5) K-cups and the price will drop to $5 a box! Plus you can use coupons. I used the Starbucks K-Cup coupon to do this deal last night, so just $3.50 a box! WOO HOO! 😉

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