We have a bunch of new coupons for General Mills Cereals and foods today! My favorite is the 75¢ off of one Fiber One coupon! Here are some of the coupons I spotted.
$0.50 off ONE Green Giant™ Veggie Snack Chips
$0.50 off TWO BOXES Fruit Flavored Snacks
$1.00 off TWO Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough
$0.40 off 6 Yoplait Yogurt
$1.00 off TWO BOXES General Mills adult cereals
$0.50 off ONE BOX Cocoa Puffs cereal
$0.50 off ONE BOX Original Cheerios cereal
$1.00 off TWO BOXES any flavor Cheerios cereals
$0.75 off ONE BOX Fiber One cereal
$0.75 off 3 LARABAR, UBER OR JOCALAT bars

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