Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* New Skintimate & Edge Shave Gel Coupons! Print Quick!

by Christie- on October 1, 2012

We have some *HOT* NEW high value Skintimate and Edge Shave Gel coupons available to print today! I highly suggest you grab these as I’m sure we’ll be seeing some deals later on this month. Plus, they don’t expire until 11/30 (post Black Friday!) which gives you plenty of time to use them! 😀

$1.50 off two Skintimate Shave Gels or Cremes
$1.50 off any two Edge Shave Gels

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pricila October 1, 2012 at 12:27 pm

not related to this product but I have a question Christie hope you’ll help me, with the points system now with the pantene deal, it is a P&G product right, can I use my previous P&G register rewards to pay for pantene? will I still earn points even if I paid with same P&G but Register Rewards(previous rr’s from crest,scope &proglide)..thank you:)


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