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Recyclebank: Earn Points & NEW Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on July 21, 2012

Wow! It looks like there are two new point earning opportunities available on Recyclebank today. To complete these tasks you’ll need to go HERE to sign in or sign up then click on the Earn Points tab located at the top of the page. Once you’ve done so then look for the boxes like the ones pictured above from Hellmann’s and GE.

For the ‘Follow the Freshpredition’ you’ll need to watch a short video clip then complete a quiz. Once you’ve finished, you’ll then receive your 30 points plus be redirected to make a pledge for an extra 5 points! Then for the ‘Learn how to make your summer meals more sustainable’, you’ll just need to learn a few facts about more sustainable products and that’s it! Upon completion you’ll receive 25 points.

After receiving all your points be sure to check out the ‘Get Rewards’ section as there are a few new printable coupons! I spotted the new Hellmann’s coupons above which are actually really good. Hellmann’s will be on sale for $2.99 starting Sunday 7/29, so you can use these to grab it for $1.99 each.

Walgreens Deal (7/29)
Buy (2) Hellmann’s 22 or 30oz $2.99 (w/in ad Q)
$2/2 Hellmann’s Products 22oz+
= $1.99 EACH!

Unfamiliar with Recyclebank?
Recyclebank is an awesome way to get high-value coupons, free magazine subscriptions, various gift cards and more just by participating in opportunities like this and accumulating points! Read my post HERE to learn even more.

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