Walgreens Coupons & Deals

NEW Nivea, L’Oreal, Tic Tac & More Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on October 2, 2011

There are a bunch of NEW RedPlum coupons today!  I was at zip 90210 for these. We have some good ones like the Nivea, Tic Tac, Pure Protein and L’oreal coupons! And Ecotrin goes on sale (and is occasionally free after Register Rewards) so that’s a really good one too!

Remember, RedPlum coupons don’t last long AT ALL. The good ones will probably be gone before the end of the day so don’t wait to print these.

-$1/1 Nivea Lip Care Product .17oz Stick – .35oz Tube
-$.55/1 Tic Tac Single Pack or One Multipack
-B1G1 Pure Protein Bar
-$1/1 L’Oreal Shade of Root Rescue, Any
-$1/1 L’Oreal Paris Cosmetic Product
-$1/1 L’Oreal Preference, Any
-$1/1 L’Oreal Paris Cleanser
-$2/1 Fiber Choice 90ct Product
-$1/1 Disney or Marvel Vitamin Products
-$1/1 Sundown Naturals vitamin or Supplement Product
-$1.50/1 Ecotrin Aspirin Therapy Product

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Paula October 2, 2011 at 9:25 am

I went to the Nivea web site and left a comment on how much I enjoyed some specific products and they sent me some $2 and $1 coupons for the items I mentioned! Also they don’t expire for a year 🙂 it was especially easy because when you leave a comment you have to fill out a name and address form too!


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