Walgreens Coupons & Deals

More Lifesavers Coupons – CRAZY!

by Christie Bisbee on May 26, 2010

I just had the best laugh I’ve had in a while. We have another totally different Lifesavers coupon on coupons.com! For those of you who have not followed this saga we’ve gone from B1G1, to $.75/1 to $.50/1 to $.75/2 and now $1/2.  It’s changed so many times even I’m confused!

So here is yet another Lifesavers coupon to go with the B1G1 FREE lifesavers we have on sale starting this Sunday at Walgreens. This coupon will make them $1.29 for (2) bags or $.64 each starting Sunday 5/30.

-$1/2 Lifesavers Mint or Hard Candy Peg Bags PRINT

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