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Super Price – Consumer Reports $18.99!

by Christie Bisbee on August 28, 2018

Right now you can subscribe to Consumer Reports Magazine for only $18.99 per year! That’s a a great price for this one. If there’s one magazine you get at home, make it this one, it’s such a huge money saver. You can order just one year at this price. Just enter coupon code WILDFORWAGS.

Consumer Reports is an awesome magazine. It has really me a TON of money on everything from cars to soap. I always look at my consumer reports magazine before I make purchases to see what they recommend. After all even getting a great deal on a bad product is a bad deal.

They accept NO advertising, which is why the cost of Consumer Reports is higher than your typical ad filled magazine. But that keeps them 100% honest with no advertisers. I have been getting it for over 15 years and I think I’ll get it forever. You can use this deal to get a new subscription or you can use it to extend a current subscription. This offer expires at Wednesday 08/29/18 11:59 PM EST


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