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Cosmopolitan Magazine Only $4.95 a Year!

by Christie Bisbee on June 30, 2017

IMG_14052014_130957Do you love Cosmo? Right now, subscribe to Cosmopolitan Magazine for Only $4.95! The cover price of Cosmo is $3.99 so you are getting a whole years worth for just a little over the price of one magazine! Just head on over HERE and enter coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout.

Cosmopolitan is filled with the style & beauty tips, the latest celebrity gossip, relationship help, quizzes, games and more! You won’t want to miss out on this fantastic offer – this magazine subscription will keep you fit, fashionable, and sexy!

This price is good for up to 4 years subscription only and you can also purchase it as a gift. You can get a new subscription or renew a current subscription with this offer. This offer expires at Saturday 07/01/17 11:59 PM EST.

If this isn’t the magazine for you, you can use coupon code: WILDFORWAGS to get 20% off most other magazine titles at DiscountMags!

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