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Grab Wired Magazine for Just $4.99 a Year!

by Christie Bisbee on May 23, 2016

Wired Magazine 2If you or someone in your home loves technology then here’s a magazine deal for you. Today only, subscribe to Wired Magazine for only $4.95 per year (75% off), plus digital access is also included. You can order up to 2 years at this price. Just enter coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout. This would make a great Father’s Day gift for any tech fan!

Each issue of Wired Magazine covers the latest gadgets, games, software, and industry news. Get “Wired” into the latest technology trends. Find out how the latest trends in technology affect the world of business, entertainment, culture, and politics. Make technology a part of your life with this exciting magazine subscription. Get wired in today!

You can get a new subscription or renew a subscription with this deal. This offer expires at Tuesday 05/24/16 11:59 PM EST. If this isn’t the magazine for you … you can use coupon code: WILDFORWAGS to get 20% off of most other titles at DiscountMags!

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