Walgreens Coupons & Deals

O The Oprah Magazine Just $5 a Year

by Christie Bisbee on January 26, 2016

O The Oprah Magazine DealsFor a limited time only, you can get a 1-Year Subscription to O, The Oprah Magazine for only $5.00. With this purchase you’ll receive a total of 12 issues costing a mere $0.42 each! That’s the rock bottom price for this magazine, so don’t wait if you are interested. I really enjoy this magazine, it’s full of great articles that entertain, inform and inspire.

O, The Oprah Magazine gives confident, smart women the tools they need to explore and reach for their dreams, to express their individual style and to make choices that will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Plus with Amazon, it’s extremely easy to manage your magazine subscriptions. You can go into your subscription manager at any time after you order and cancel auto-renewal and more at the touch of a button.  Go here to check it out.

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