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Huge Magazine Sale! Awesome Prices!

by Christie Bisbee on December 6, 2014

Multi-Year Magazine SaleWe have a really nice Magazine sale going on right now. With this sale the more years you buy the lower the price. There are great deals on popular favorites like Cosmo (low as $4 per year), Everyday with Rachael Ray (low as $4.25 per year), Dwell (low as $4.49 per year) Runner’s World (low as $4.99 per year) and more.

Plus we have quite a few deals on magazines we rarely see sales for like Martha Stewart Living (just $8.99 for 1 year) and Food Network (low as $7.49 per year), and remember there is NO Auto-renewal with Discountmags.com!

GiftThis one runs ends tomorrow Sunday, December 7th at midnight so don’t wait if you are interested. Just go HERE to check it out. And remember – magazines make great gifts so you can pick up a magazine for yourself and one for a friend! 🙂 There are a TON of magazines included – here are just some of them…

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