Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Boy’s Life Magazine Just $4.24 a Year!

by Christie Bisbee on August 2, 2014

Boy's Life MagazineToday only you can grab Boys’ Life Magazine for Just $4.24 for 1 Year. This deal is good today, August 2nd Only. Just go HERE and use Coupon Code 15CJ0810 at checkout to get this deal. This is the official publication of The Boy Scouts of America, so it’s a magazine you can feel good about your kids reading.

Boys’ Life Magazine is perfect for boys ages 9 to 17.Each issue focuses on a different theme, ranging from scouting, sports, and racing, to travel, computers, and more. Other topics covered include hobbies, science, electronics, education and careers. Boys’ Life Magazine also publishes quality fiction stories, comics, fun facts, jokes, letters, and stories sent in by readers.

You can order a new subscription or extend an existing one. This deal will run through tonight at midnight (EST) on August 2nd, 2014. Just go HERE to check it out. Enjoy!

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