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Magazine Sale! Great Deals on Cosmo, Weight Watchers, Redbook, Dwell, OK! & More

by Christie Bisbee on April 27, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-04-26 at 10.22.34 PMWe have a Multi-Year Magazine sale that runs thru today 4/27 at midnight. You can save by taking advantage of this low multi-year pricing starting at just $3.99 per year.

There are a bunch of magazines on sale including Cosmo, Weight Watchers, Good Housekeeping, Yoga Journal, MacWorld and many more. Just go HERE to check it out, there’s no coupon code needed to get these sale prices. Some of these are the lowest I’ve ever seen before.

The Cosmo deal is awesome at just $4.50 a year and I really like the OK! magazine deal coming in at about 24¢ an issue. This is also a great time to pick up some magazines as gifts for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Here are some of the best deals I see…

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