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Disney and Me Magazine 44% Off!

by Christie Bisbee on November 13, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 8.35.04 PMToday only, subscribe to Disney and Me Magazine for only $13.99 per year (44% off)! You can order up to 2 years at this price! Just enter coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout.

Disney and Me is an easy-learning bi-monthly magazine for children ages 2-6. Each issue has 32 pages of stories, drawing activities, educational games, pictures to color, and more. This magazine subscription features all of the Disney characters in a fun and educational workbook that will have your kids begging for more!

This would make a great gift or stocking stuffer! This offer expires at Wednesday 11/13/13 11:59 PM EST. If this isn’t the magazine for you, use code WILDFORWAGS to get 20% off most magazines at Discountmags.com.

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