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Subscription to the New Redbook for Just $4.99!

by Christie Bisbee on June 27, 2013

redbookjuly2013Have you seen Redbook Magazines new look? I couldn’t help but notice when my new issue came in the mail! I really like it. Well today only you can grab a subscription for $4.99 a year when you use the code WILDFORWAGS at checkout! This is a really great price!

That code will bring the price of Redbook Magazine down to only $4.99 (reg. price $7.99). You can lock in that low price for a maximum of three years and you can use it to get a new subscription or renew an existing one. This offer expires at Thursday 06/27/13 11:59 PM EST.

If this isn’t the magazine for you… use coupon code: WILDFORWAGS to get 20% off of most other titles at DiscountMags!

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