Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Auto, Motorcycle, Boat, ATV, Hot Rod Magazines & More! As Low As $3.99!

by Christie Bisbee on November 10, 2012

Here’s a great deal on magazines that would make a great holiday gift! You can get a subscription to a bunch of different Auto, Motorcycle, Boating, ATV, Hot Rod and Snowboarding magazines starting at just $3.99 a year! If you or someone in your life is into their toys, this is a perfect deal for you. 😉 There are a ton of different magazines to choose from. All the subscription include free shipping, no sales tax and there is no auto renewal.

You can go HERE to check it out. If you buy these as a gift, just get the most recent issue off the stands, wrap it in a box or with a ribbon around it and include a card letting them know their subscription is on it’s way. Then put it in their stocking or under the tree. It’s a gift they’ll enjoy all year long and it was only about $4! This one ends Sunday 11/11 at midnight ET.

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