Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Yellow Tail Wine As Low As $1.49 at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on September 28, 2017

Yellow Tail WineIf you are a wine drinker or use it for guests or for cooking, check your ad for an amazing deal on Yellow Tail wine. Right now thru 9/30 the 750ml bottles are on sale for $4.49 and you’ll get a $5 Register Reward when you buy (2).

Plus, some of you will have an ibotta offer for $1 cash back when you buy (1) bottle. Put all that together and you’ll pay just $1.49 a bottle! If you don’t have the offer we are still talking about just $1.99 each after the Register Reward. This would also be a nice idea if you need to bring something to a dinner or get together over the upcoming holiday season.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 9/30)
Buy (2) Yellow Tail Wine 750ml bottles $4.49
Total = $8.98, Get Back $5 RR
$1 Cash Back wyb Yellow Tail Wine, ibotta offer
= $1.49 a bottle!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

SharonWI September 29, 2017 at 11:36 am

Does anyone know if I could use points to purchase this and receive register reward? TIA!


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