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York Photo: Custom Shopping Bag Just $1.99

by Christie Bisbee on July 18, 2017

York PhotoIf you are a new customer of York Photo, you can get a reusable custom shopping bag for only $1.99. You only have to pay shipping, which starts at $3.99. These are normally $11.99, so that’s a great savings. To get started, head on over HERE and register for a new FREE account with York Photo.

Then, choose from one of the many template designs they offer and then personalize it with your own photos. It’s super easy. When you’re finished, use the promo code SUNNYDAY at checkout. Add shipping, and your total should be as low as $5.98. This offer is for a limited time only and you can check it out HERE. Also, just for signing up with York Photo you’ll receive 40 FREE 4×6 Prints!

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