Today only, you can save big at Groupon. Get an extra $5 off $15 or $10 off $30 purchase on local deals. Save on eating out, spa services, events, family activities and more. Just go HERE and enter promo code OFF at checkout to get the discount. You can also save $20 off $60 or $30 off $100 with this same Groupon coupon code. You can use it up to (3) times but you’ll need to do different transactions. Just go HERE to see what great local deals you can find in your area!
Note: The code OFF is good thru 12/6/16. Valid on 1 unit per transaction; max 3 uses per customer. Max $5 / $10 / $20 / $30 discount per deal. Must click through to be eligible. Must use mobile or desktop site. Exclusions apply (certain local deals and consumer electronics).

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