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FREE $5 Credit to Buy Gift Cards on Raise + $5 off $25 Coupon

by Christie Bisbee on July 11, 2016

Raise Gift CardsRight now Raise.com, a great resource for buying and selling Gift Cards, is offering new members a FREE $5 Credit HERE. You can use this credit to purchase any gift card on their site, including Walgreens, Walmart, Target and more. Plus, you can get another $5 off a $25 purchase when you use the coupon code SAVE5 at checkout. So it’s like getting a $25 gift card for only $15!

To get your $5 just head on over HERE. Make sure that your referral code is populated with wildforwa. You’ll need to enter your cell phone number so they can text you a code to verify your account. Once you verify the $5 will be credited to your account. Along with buying gift cards, make sure you check out Raise to sell your unwanted gift cards for cash. Enjoy your FREE $5 from Raise.

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