Walgreens Coupons & Deals

SavingStar: Save 20% on Avocados

by Christie Bisbee on May 3, 2016

Save on AvocadosSavingStar has a new Healthy Offer available, they offer a new Healthy Offer every week. This week you’ll save 20% on any single purchase of loose Avocados at participating retailers, good thru 5/9/2016. This is a nice way to save on produce and perfect for Taco night!

Looking for more deals for Taco night? Check out these deals HERE and HERE.

SavingStar is now available at Walgreens! They have a new mobile app where you can redeem your offers by submitting your receipts. To get started, just go HERE and sign up for your FREE SavingStar account, enter your zip and choose Walgreens as a store you shop at. You can also select other stores like CVS, Walmart or Target. Just go to my post HERE to learn more.

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