Walgreens Coupons & Deals

4 Pairs of Earrings Under $12 Shipped!

by Christie Bisbee on January 20, 2016

Cents of StyleLooking to update your look for less? Today ONLY you can get 4 Pairs of Earrings for UNDER $12.00 shipped! That’s like paying just $3 each pair. Just head on over HERE to get this deal.

You’ll need to add a pair of earrings of your choosing to your cart. You’ll then be offered an addition 3 pairs of earrings for just $1.99. After you add that to your cart, use the code EARRINGSTEAL to get the price to drop down to $11.98 for all (4) pairs, and remember, shipping is FREE. Just go HERE to check it out. Enjoy! 🙂

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