Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Crazy8 Coupon Code: Save $25 off $50!

by Christie Bisbee on March 23, 2015

Crazy 8 Coupon CodeRight now, Crazy 8 is offering $25 off purchases of $50+ with code CRAZY25 when you pay with Visa Checkout! Just go HERE to check it out. It’s like getting 50% off already reduced prices, when you shop form their sales! They have very cute items for girls, boys and toddlers.

Crazy 8 couponsBe sure to check out the sale section for markdowns starting as low as $2.99! I spotted quite a few really cute and inexpensive items. This is a great chance to grab some outfits for summer, or get a head start on some back to school shopping for next year. Just go HERE to see what’s available. Enjoy! 🙂

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