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FREE Credit Score – No Credit Card Required!

by Christie Bisbee on February 19, 2015

Free Credit ScoreRight now you can check your score totally FREE with no impact to your score with Credit Concierge! This is a 100% FREE service that gives you your score (as compiled by TransUnion) in just seconds & there is NO credit card required! Just go HERE to check it out.

As many of you know, I worked for over 10 years as a Financial Educator for a non-profit and it was terrible how many mistakes I’d find on my clients credit reports. It was practically the norm! So, if you haven’t checked your credit score recently, you really should. Plus it’s the best way to know if you’ve been the victim of identity theft.

Simply enter your basic information at HERE. In about 60 seconds you’ll have your free Credit Score and you can catch any mistakes or errors, like incorrect balances. Plus you’ll see how you compare to others.

Remember, your credit score is used by just about everyone to make decisions about you. Potential employers, landlords, insurance companies, banks, mortgage companies and many others, so it’s important to know your score! I check mine monthly. See what your score is totally FREE HERE. Good Luck!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Heather February 20, 2015 at 11:51 am

Christie, I truly appreciate all the great offers and info that you provide but this one I’ll stear way clear of. In order to obtain my “free” credit score I have to disclose all my personal info along with my social secutity number! That’s all the info that an identity thief needs and I’m trusting it to this website that I don’t know. What do they do with my information? Do they sell it to someone I wouldn’t want to have it or worse? Sometimes free isn’t worth it!


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