Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Blue Crystal Flower Necklace Just $4 Shipped

by Christie Bisbee on February 4, 2015

NecklaceWow! Here’s another super cute yet affordable jewelry deal for you. Right now on Amazon.com you can grab this Blue Crystal Rhinestone Flower Pendant Necklace for just $4.00. To make the deal even better, you’ll even receive free shipping! Prices on items like this change frequently so order now to ensure you’re able to get this price.


1. Add the Blue Crystal Rhinestone Flower Pendant Necklace to your cart.
2. Select the FREE Standard shipping option.
3. Finish the check out process paying just $4

Note: The actual Amazon prices may vary and can change without notice. If the items above are not available at the listed price, the deal is no longer available. If that’s the case, just leave me a comment and let me know so I can mark it as such.

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