Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save 40% off Holiday Cards + Free Shipping! Any Size Order!

by Christie Bisbee on December 6, 2014

Tiny PrintsStill need to pick up holiday cards? Here’s a HOT offer for you from Tiny Prints. For 24 hours only, you can get 40% off your order of ANY size plus get free shipping! Here’s how to take advantage of this offer:

1. Go to Tiny Prints HERE and select from hundreds of holiday cards.
2. Personalize your card with your pictures, your text, etc.
3. When you checkout, use the promo code TPCARDS40FS to save 40% and get free shipping.

This promotion is only valid from 12:00pm PT on Saturday 12/6 to 12:00pm PT on Sunday 12/7, so act fast! Just go HERE to check it out. Happy Holidays. 🙂

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