If you’re looking for a cute and fun pair of earrings, I found these nice ones today on Amazon – Gold Plated Rhinestone Party Mask Earrings just $1.54! Plus, pay just $0.01 for Shipping for a total of $1.55 shipped!
These earrings are so pretty and I think they would make a really good gift, maybe even a nice Valentine’s Day gift. At this great price you can get yourself a pair of these too! Head on over and grab a pair (or two) of these now before it’s too late – they will probably not last too long at this price!
1. Add the Party Mask Earrings to your cart.
2. Pay just $0.01 for Standard Shipping.
3. Finish the check out process paying just $1.55 TOTAL!
Please Note: Actual Amazon prices may vary and can change without notice. If the item above is not available at the listed price, the deal is no longer available. If that’s the case, just leave me a comment and let me know so I can mark it as such.

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