Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Hurry! *HOT* Secret Clinical & Coupons deal is back!

by Christie- on December 10, 2013

Hurry! If you missed it before, this deal is back!

This is the offer: you get a New Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant, a coupon for a second stick, $16 in Free P&G coupons and a free sample of Olay Fresh Effects! Just pay $4.99 for shipping and handling. That comes out to $2.50 a stick (an AWESOME price for Clinical deodorants), PLUS you are getting a FREE Olay Fresh Effects and $16 in coupons.  Just CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE to check it out!


I ordered mine when it first became available, and I received it last week! You can see what I got in the mail: deodorant, a coupon for a second stick, an Olay fresh effects sample. Plus, these other coupons were in there as well: get a FREE Venus Razor (up to $11.99) when you buy a Venus Cartridge, a $2/1 Covergirl Clump Crusher Mascara and $3/2 Pantene Expert Collection. These don’t expire until 2/28/14, so you’ll have plenty of time to use them! Plus, I was impressed by how fast it came in the mail! Just CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE to check it out!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Christina December 10, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Is it full size?


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