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Perfect Time to Grab Free Amazon Prime Trial!

by Christie Bisbee on November 26, 2013

Amazon Prime

This is an AWESOME time to take advantage of the FREE trial of Amazon Prime! You’ll be able to grab all the hottest deals with FREE 2 day shipping for 30 days, PERFECT for the holidays! No more waiting till you get $35 in your cart for FREE super saver shipping. For a whole month you’ll be able to grab things at the lowest price, get them fast and not have to worry about any shipping costs! It’s a no brainer. 😉

Plus, with Amazon Prime you get unlimited streaming of thousands of titles, including some of the most popular shows and movies! You’ll be able to watch Over 40,000 Movies and enjoy free super fast shipping on eligible orders too! You can cancel at anytime during your trial in your Amazon account. If you decide to keep it,  it’s just $79 a year – that’s just $6.58 a month!

Amazon PrimeAnd you can stream videos on a ton of different devices like your Kindle, ipad, PS3, Xbox, Wii and many others. So whether you want to enjoy the streaming movies and TV favorites or you want to save tons with free shipping, Amazon Prime is a great way to go!

In addition to this great trial offer, free or paid Amazon Prime members can share their shipping benefits with up to four additional family members living in the same household, or up to four coworkers. The holidays are approaching quickly, so take advantage of these savings and grab some nice Christmas gifts to get yourself started. So just go HERE to enjoy a free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime

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