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Kohl’s Biggest Gold Clearance Sale!

by Christie- on October 15, 2013

Kohl's Biggest Gold Clearance Sale

If you like shopping at Kohl’s and you love saving big then this really great deal is for you. Right now, Kohl’s is having their Biggest Gold Clearance Sale where you can find items heavily discounted from 70% – 90% OFF, which is an extra 25% OFF in store and online! This sale is available for a limited time only, so you have to take advantage of these savings soon. Clearance prices online already reflect the extra 25% OFF savings.

You can shop all clearance items from clothing to bed & bath, shoes, handbags & accessories, and kitchen & dining. You can get some really nice items like SONOMA Outdoors dining products or Jumping Beans girl’s clothing. There are many inexpensive and cool items to choose from.

Kohl's Clearance Sale (Kitch & Din)

Kohl's Clearance Sale (Girl's Cloth)

If you want to save even more, you can get 3% cash back if you shop through Ebates. Plus, if you are new to Ebates you’ll get a FREE $10 gift card to stores like Target and Kohl’s when you make a purchase of $25 or more. So you can enjoy even more perks and savings!

Happy Shopping! 🙂

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

skizzatt October 15, 2013 at 8:51 pm

I was just in Kohl’s 4 hours ago and did not find much of anything. Every item I was interested in was not marked down at all. They were all regular price.


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