Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Gevalia K-Cups Deal = Just $0.35 Per Cup! *HOT*

by Christie Bisbee on June 15, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 8.43.18 AMThis deal is still available, I ordered these and got them yesterday! WOO HOO! 🙂

We have an awesome, new Gevalia K-Cup deal going on right now! Gevalia has their K-Cups (and ground coffee) on sale for BOGO FREE with FREE Shipping! Just use code TRYGEV82 at checkout to get your discount; the price per box is $8.49 but you’ll get two for that price with this code. That’s just $0.35 per cup!! 😀

You have three flavors to choose from: Signature Blend, Colombia and Dark Royal Roast. They are all 12 count boxes and there’s no purchase limit so, you can buy as many BOGOs as you like (no subscription necessary).

Do yo have a Keurig Brewer? If so, you don’t want to miss out on this; shop Premium Coffee from Gevalia now to take advantage of this awesome deal!

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