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Mega Swag Bucks Day & 100 Points for New Members!

by Christie- on April 26, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-04-26 at 10.00.18 AMHappy Mega Swag bucks day! Today is the day where you earn even MORE Swag bucks when you search!Love getting rewards like Target, Amazon and Starbucks gift cards? Then check out this offer from Swag bucks. Right now NEW Swag bucks users can earn 70 bonus points just for signing up in addition to the standard 30 for a total of 100 points!

Just go HERE and then click the text that reads “I have a sign up code”. Then enter the code WILDFORSWAG to get your bonus 70 points! 🙂

Swag3You can use your Swag Bucks to get prizes, gift cards for stores like Target, Amazon, Apple and more. Or use them to go out to eat with Chili’s Gift Cards or grab FREE movies at Regal! If you use your Swag Bucks to search on a regular basis you should be able to get anywhere from $5 – $20 in gift cards a month.

I usually get at least one $25 – $50 gift card a month from searching, entering special codes, doing the daily poll and other activities. So, go HERE to join & start earning some FREE stuff! In fact, I’m going to dinner at Chili’s tonight and to see a movie at Regal Cinema 100% FREE thanks to Swag Bucks! So you can see why I’m WILDFORSWAG. 😉

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