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Restaurant.com: $25 Gift Certificate Just $2.60!

by Christie Bisbee on November 26, 2012

In celebration of Cyber Monday, Restaurant.com is offering up a $25 Gift Certificate for just $4 when you use coupon code CYBER at checkout.

Plus, if you purchase your certificate through ShopAtHome.com you’ll receive 35% cash back which makes your certificate only $2.60! These would make great gifts or stocking stuffers! 🙂

Don’t forget that if you’re NEW to ShopAtHome you’ll receive an additional $5 credit to your account on top of the 35% cash back which makes your $25 Gift Certificate completely FREE. How awesome is that?! I like using the $25 certificates at my favorite Mexican restaurant and getting a $35 meal for only $10 + the cost of the certificate! So a $35 meal for $12.60 is pretty awesome in my book!

– Go here to sign in or sign up with ShopAtHome.com then click “Shop Now”.
– Find participating restaurants by entering your zip code.
– Once you find a restaurant, you can see the specific offer available for that restaurant.
– Read the requirements & make sure you understand them. Some may say no Fridays, there may be an expiration date or a minimum purchase requirement.
– Add the certificate you choose to your cart then enter code CYBER.
– Complete the checkout process paying $4 but receive 35% cash back in your account within 30 days. (+ an additional $5 credit if you’re NEW!)
– Your certificate will then be sent directly to your inbox where you can then print it out!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Melinda November 27, 2012 at 1:35 pm

I can’t get the code to work… Has it expired already?


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