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Earn $50 From Capital One 360

by Christie Bisbee on November 25, 2012

Want to earn an easy $50? Who doesn’t! Right now Capital One 360 (formerly ING Direct) is offering a $50 bonus when you open a new checking account! There are NO FEES, no minimums and over 38,000 participating ATMs to choose from! It’s super easy and I’ve had an account for years and have been very pleased. You can follow these easy steps to earn your $50 bonus. 😉

Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 9.53.25 PMHOW TO GET YOUR $50 BONUS
Go HERE and Click on ‘Apply Now’.
Open 360 Checking Account
Make a total of 3 Card purchases or Person2Person Payments within 45 days
Your $50 bonus will automatically be deposited into your account on day 50
That’s all! 🙂

You can open your account with a small amount like $5 and if you aren’t happy you can close it at any time, with no fees. I’ve had my account for years so I bet you’ll be happy with it too!

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