Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* Flirty Aprons Pink Chocolate Just $5.95!

by Christie Bisbee on June 14, 2012

Flirty Aprons is having one of my favorite sales, it’s Irregular Sale! They just reduced the price of the pink chocolate apron to $5.95! I’ve made purchases during their irregular sale before and I could never tell the difference in the aprons I got. They do this every June and it’s worth the wait!

Although most of these adorable flirty aprons have sold out, they still have this one in stock and at an even lower, crazy price. 🙂

These aprons typically have small blemishes like restitching, loose seams or pockets, or minor printing flaws. Most of the flaws are minimal and difficult to detect. These always go fast so if you are interested I’d grab it ASAP! You can go HERE to check it out!


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Lindsey June 14, 2012 at 3:10 pm

Just got one! Thanks! I have been looking at these FOREVER but didn’t want to pay that much for them…this is a great price! Thanks again!


ali June 14, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Thanks so much! I got the matching womens and girls set for only $15! My daughter will be so excited…I’ll save it for her birthday. 🙂


lori June 14, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Thanks for the post! I just got one myself + added the coupon code “Father30” for another 30% off. Ended up getting one for $4.16 plus shipping for a total of $9.09! Thanks so much all of your hard work, I check your site/post/updates everyday before leaving my house!


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