One of my favorite stocking stuffers are DVDs and Blu-rays, so this time of year I’m always looking for great deals. Here are a couple of fabulous deals I spotted today while searching for stocking stuffers for the guys on my list. (I like all these movies too. ;-))
I love the deal on Braveheart & Gladiator, two fabulous movies on blu-ray for just $7 a piece! Remember, the prices on these will change once a certain number have sold at the super low price so move on it if you want it.
- Braveheart & Gladiator (Two-Pack) (Blu-ray) for just $13.99. (just $7 a Blu-ray!)
- 300 (Blu-ray) for just $9.99 (Gerard Butler – yay! ;-))
- Serenity (Blu-ray) just $10.99 (More Nathan Fillion!)

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