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Woo Hoo! Football Season Sale at Zulily!

by Christie Bisbee on August 19, 2011

Zulily has a special sale on Football gear today! If you are a fan or have a fan in the family of either college or NFL football, you’ll want to check this one out. They have some super cute items starting as low as $4.99! PLUS you can use coupon code GA3964 for $5 off a $50 purchase or save 10% you order with coupon code: FAMILY10. In my family we have a variety of colleges represented so it’s kind of tricky during game season but we all manage to get along. 😉 I saw lots of possible gifts for both kids and adults in this sale!

If you aren’t familiar with Zulily, they are an on-line only boutique specializing in stylish, high quality products for kids, babies and moms, including maternity.

Zulily is a members only site so you do have to register, but it’s totally FREE. They always have super cute stuff and huge discounts. It’s a great place to find high quality items at a fabulous price. You can check them out HERE.

How to Check Out These Deals

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